Suchergebnisse für Politik

13 gefunden.

17. Mai, 19:22 Uhr

This paper investigates the potential effects of a single cultural means of claimsmaking—quantification—on the construction of a social problem through time. By analyzing salient historical uses of statistics in public debates on traffic accidents in the United States, the study seeks to advance the understanding of the role played by numerical claims in the broader dynamics of problem evolution and development. Specifically, key employments of numbers by early automobile clubs, the private insurance industry, safety movement and establishment, and printed media are closely traced and interrelated to flesh out their impacts on dominant representations of the issue over the long term. While numerical claimsmaking produced divergent, often contradictory effects on the construction of the problem, I argue that figures ultimately contributed to the gradual waning of the moralist and political zest that characterized much of the claimsmaking activities on the issue in the first half of the twentieth century. The argument provides one explanation of how traffic accidents can come to be defined in contemporary society as a “necessary evil”—a regrettable yet largely unalterable price to pay for the benefits of the automobile. To the extent that many of these quantification effects are unintended, they are linked to both the nature of statistical argumentation employed in this case and its institutional contexts.

18. April, 11:27 Uhr

Het CBS meldt vandaag: 737 verkeersdoden in 2022. 147 meer dan in 2021. Dat ik hier ooit simpel over dacht komt mede door die getallen. Daardoor zag ik een verkeersslachtoffer niet als een uniek verlies van een geliefde in een structureel gewelddadig systeem, maar als een telbaar foutje.

14. Januar, 11:12 Uhr

The visions surrounding “self-driving” or “autonomous” vehicles are an exemplary instance of a sociotechnical imaginary: visions of a future technology that has yet to be developed or is in the process of development. One of the central justifications for the development of autonomous vehicles is the claim that they will reduce automobility related death and injury. Central to this narrative is the assumption that more than 90% of road crashes are the result of “driver error.” This paper describes the process by which this statistic has been constructed within road safety research and subsequently accepted as a received fact. It is one of the principal semiotic components of the autonomous vehicle sociotechnical imaginary: if human drivers are responsible for ~90% of road crashes, autonomous vehicles should in principle be able to reduce road death and injury rates by a similar percentage. In this paper, it is argued that death and injury are not an aggregate of events that can be distributed across the three central variables of traditional road safety research: the driver, the vehicle, and the environment. The autonomous vehicle sociotechnical imaginary has embraced the central assumption of road safety research, that road violence is not an intrinsic property of automobility but is contingent because largely due to driver error. On the basis of this assumption it has been possible to configure autonomous vehicles as the solution to road violence. Although sociotechnical imaginaries are typically oriented towards the future, it is the significance of the autonomous vehicle sociotechnical imaginary in the present that is the focus of this paper. Autonomous vehicles are not the radically transformational technology their proponents claim but simply the most recent of a succession of automobility sociotechnical imaginaries. They are not transformational because their promotion ensures the continued reproduction of more of the same: namely, more automobility.

04. Mai, 18:50 Uhr

Quantity and quality of social relations correlate with our happiness and physical health. Our (feeling of) connectedness also matters for the efficacy and functioning of communities and societies ...

02. Dezember, 19:17 Uhr

The aim of the Manifesto is to stimulate European policymakers to adopt concrete legal and political measures while moving the wider European communities towards a radical change towards a transformative transport policy strategy in favour of a paradigm shift in mobility. The paradigm shift aims the more effective consideration of emerging social values and disruptive technologies in transport policy making. The motivations underlying mobility must be explored.

25. März, 10:31 Uhr

An interview with Dr. Peter Norton

25. November, 08:46 Uhr

Our guide to everything from getting council approval to winning over the critics

15. November, 18:23 Uhr

Alle politieke partijen gaan ervan uit dat meer mobiliteit onze reistijd verkort. In de werkelijkheid gebeurt juist het omgekeerde.

17. Januar, 19:58 Uhr

Allowance made for dangers that would not be accepted in other parts of life, finds study with potentially major policy implications

26. Januar, 15:01 Uhr

Ruimtelijke ordening: In Utrecht komt een van de grootste binnenstedelijke autovrije wijken van Nederland. Wie wil daar wonen? En hoe krijg je thuis je pakketjes?

28. April, 13:12 Uhr

Urban development and social norms concerning childhood have led European cities to a situation where public spaces are no more spaces for children and young people.

08. Dezember, 08:58 Uhr

Mohammad Nazarpoor Academic Book Review November 30, 2022 cyclist, Equality, Mobilities, sociology, Urban cycling “Becoming an urban cyclist” is not only about acquiring a set of skills to get on a bike, pedal and weave in and out between the cars but it also changes people’s perception of space, time and...

09. November, 13:28 Uhr

In het tweede tertiaal (mei t/m augustus) van 2022 zijn 2.937.812 verkeersovertredingen geconstateerd op grond van de Wet administratiefrechtelijke handhaving verkeersvoorschriften (Wahv). Dat is ruim 1% minder dan in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. Toen werden 2.977.737 verkeersboetes opgelegd, onder meer voor te hard rijden, door rood licht rijden en handheld telefoongebruik. Dat blijkt uit het tweede tertiaaloverzicht Wahv 2022*.